We all think about giving up our passion rather because we feel no one is listening or because we simply get bored? OR we are scared we are in too deep! Honestly, I get it. I understand because I have been there too. I remember when I first started becoming an author with so many great ideas literally non-stop ideas. I wanted to do an audiobook but 3D sound.
Oh boy if I did that it would be amazing. The problem is I got too busy building my brand because I was so scared that if I didn't I would be setting myself up to fail. The truth is a put myself under so much pressure where at times I felt like building a fire and burning away my pressure so I could feel free from stress. Ideas, ideas, and 'MORE IDEAS' were the problem. You may be thinking but why would ideas be the problem? If you are taking on too many ideas which become major projects then what do you have? that's right, overwhelming desire to give up because you are so tired and overwhelmed with the pressure eating away at you. It's not healthy. I became really ill and nearly lost my family over this because I was so obsessed with working. Good things have to come to an end. I gave up because I had no choice. I needed rest because I was so burnt out in and out of the hospital because of my asthma due to stress. 'I CAME BACK' I had a better idea and that was to interview authors Live on Facebook that led me to build something better with my partner, Nicole Glozier, and that was, Talk About It Friday and that podcast was interviewing authors about their books and from there we interviewed other people that are not authors, that led to a bigger plan, The Right Buzz where we interview icons, authors, business, brands, and so much more. The Right Buzz grew with the help of two amazing guys, Andy Ross, and Richard Barnett who introduced us to many amazing icons which you will find on our website's home page.
I will say this. Whoever goes out of their way to help you get to where you need to be then be sure to thank them, respect them, and stay loyal to them. Please do check out our podcasts, magazines, and services and also enjoy the Buzz Community, and authors. Have a question or need advice leave a comment.